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Cancel Subscriptions

How to cancel your own recurring subscription

To cancel your recurring subscription, simply launch the /membershipstatus command in your bot. You can do this by typing /membershipstatus in the textbox, selecting the 'Membership Status' button at the bottom of the page, or selecting "Menu" and then /membershipstatus.

Select /membershipstatus command from the bot menu
Select the /membershipstatus command from the bot menu

Once you launch the /membershipstatus command, the bot will display a message indicating how much time is left until your membership expires. Additionally, there will be another button available to click and cancel your recurring subscription.

Cancel recurring subscription option
Select the option to cancel a recurring subscription

After clicking the cancel button, the bot will ask for confirmation twice to ensure you want to proceed with canceling your membership.

First confirmation prompt
View the first confirmation prompt
Second confirmation prompt
View the second confirmation prompt

After confirming on both prompts, your membership will be cancelled.

Membership status menu confirmation screen
View the confirmation screen after canceling a membership

The admin will also receive a notification that the membership was successfully cancelled.

Subscription cancellation admin notification
View the admin notification after a subscription is canceled

After cancelling their membership through the /membershipstatus command, users will not be removed from your chats immediately. It's important to note that cancelling a membership only prevents future charges - users won't be charged automatically again, but they will be able to access your premium chats until the end of their current prepaid period.

After cancelling your membership using the /membershipstatus command, the cancellation button will be replaced with a renewal button the next time you use the command.

No cancel button available for subscription
Indicates that there is no cancel button available for the subscription

How to cancel a user recurring subscription

As an admin, you have the ability to cancel not only your own subscription but also those of your users. To cancel a user's subscription, simply type in the command /disablemembership in your bot. This will display a list of all users with active memberships, giving you the option to select and cancel any of them.

Type /disablemembership in the chat input to open the menu
Type /disablemembership in the chat input to open the menu

Before confirming, please note that this action is irreversible and will immediately terminate the user's membership, including any recurring subscriptions. The user will also be automatically removed from all of your chats. It's crucial to use this feature with caution as it can't be undone.

View the confirmation prompt before canceling a user's membership
View the confirmation prompt before canceling a user's membership

After completing the previous step, you will receive a confirmation that the membership was successfully terminated. Additionally, the user whose membership was cancelled will receive a notification informing them they are no longer members.

Success message after canceling a user's membership
View the success message after canceling a user's membership
User notification after membership is canceled
View the user notification after their membership is canceled