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Forms Builder

Why Forms Builder?

  • Precision Control: Admins can now design custom forms, deciding what information they need from users. Whether it's a username on their website, an email address, or even shipping details, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.
  • Personalized Interaction: Tailor the user experience by collecting relevant data upfront. Know your users better, anticipate their needs, and provide a service that feels uniquely crafted for each individual.
  • Streamlined Processes: No more back-and-forth questioning. /forms streamlines data collection, ensuring that essential information is gathered seamlessly before users explore your bot's offerings.

Step 1: Type /forms

Ready to personalize your bot interactions? Begin by typing /forms. Here's what you need to know:

  • Premium Add-On: Enjoy tailored interactions but remember, excellence comes at a cost. The Forms Builder is a premium add-on, priced at €3.50/month. Installing it means agreeing to this additional charge.
  • Billing Check: Ensure your bot's billing is clear before proceeding. Any outstanding balance must be settled to unlock the Forms Builder.
Screenshot displaying the bot message indicating the need to install the Forms Builder, with the 'Install' button visible.
Installing the Forms Builder Add-On

Step 2: Adding a New Form

Click on the 'Add' button to initiate the process of crafting a personalized form.

Screenshot featuring the '+ Add' button for creating a new form. This step allows users to initiate the process of crafting personalized forms for their bot interactions.
Adding a New Form

Step 3: Naming Your Form

The bot will prompt you to enter a unique name for your form. This name won't be visible to users; it's for admin eyes only.

Screenshot showing the bot requesting a unique name for the form.
Naming Your Form - Enter a unique name for your form.

Step 4: Crafting Your First Question

Begin by typing the question you want to ask your users.

Screenshot displaying the bot interface for entering the first question.
Crafting Your First Question - Begin the personalization journey by entering your initial query.

Step 5: Choosing the Answer Type

Choose the type of answer you expect from your users. Whether it's a string, a number, or another format, this step defines how users will respond.

Screenshot showcasing the bot interface for selecting the answer type.
Choosing the Answer Type - Define the expected response by selecting the appropriate answer type.

Step 6: Repeat and Save

  • Repeat the Process: Continue adding questions and defining answer types until your form is complete. Tailor the interaction to suit your needs.
  • Select 'Save': When satisfied with your questions, click 'Save' to preserve your form configuration.
    Screenshot illustrating the bot interface for repeating the question/answer steps and the final action of saving the form.
    Completing Your Form - Shape your interactions by repeating the question/answer steps until satisfied, then select 'Save'.

Forms Overview

Here's a sneak peek into what your forms menu could look like when you've added forms.

Screenshot displaying the menu with added forms.
Your Forms Overview - A glimpse into the organized presentation of your added forms.

Form Details

Here, you'll find a text message featuring all the questions you've added, along with two powerful buttons: Placement and Responses.

Screenshot presenting the text message displaying questions within a form, along with the Placement and Responses buttons.
Form Details - Uncover the richness of your form with a detailed message showcasing questions, accompanied by Placement and Responses options.
  • Placement: The Placement button allows you to strategically position your form within your bot's workflow. By clicking on Placement, you gain the ability to determine where the form will be triggered. For example, you can choose to display the form when the bot is initially started.
  • Responses: The Responses button shows you how users have answered your form's questions.