Set your own Terms of Service

Learn how to create and set up Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for your Telegram bot with our step-by-step guide. Protect your business and users today.

Having a clear and well-defined terms of service and privacy policy is essential for any business owner. These documents protect both you and your customers by outlining the rules and regulations that govern the use of your product or service, as well as how you collect, use, and protect customer data. Terms of service and privacy policies establish trust with your customers, demonstrate that you take data privacy seriously, and can help you avoid legal issues in the future. By having these policies in place, you can help ensure that your business operates smoothly and that your customers' data is protected.

As a business owner operating on Telegram, it's important to establish your own policies. This includes having a clear set of terms of service and privacy policy in place. To get started, open the /settings menu of your bot and click on "Project Settings".

Screenshot of the Project Settings button in the /settings menu of a Telegram bot
Click on the 'Project Settings' button to begin setting up your own policies for your Telegram bot.

Next, within the Project Settings, you can find the options to create your own "Terms of Service" or "Privacy Policy" by clicking on one of the respective buttons.

Screenshot of the Project Settings page showing "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" buttons.
In the Project Settings page, you can set up your own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

If you don't have a policy in place yet, the bot will prompt you to create a new one.

Screenshot of the "Add Terms of Service" button in Telegram bot settings.
Click on "Add Terms of Service" to create a new policy for your Telegram bot.

The next step is to send the policy to your bot, which will then distribute it to all users who initiate a conversation with your bot. If your policy is too long to fit in a single message, you may want to upload it as a file or provide a link to your website. In addition, you may use placeholders to personalize your policy.

Screenshot of adding sample text and using placeholders for a new Terms of Service policy
Setting up a new Terms of Service policy: Adding sample text and using placeholders.

Congratulations! Your terms of service policy is now in place. Moving forward, anyone who starts your bot will be required to agree to the terms of service before accessing any of the features, including subscribing to your service.

Screenshot of the bot's message asking the user to agree to the terms of service before accessing the bot's features.
After setting up your terms of service, the bot will ask users to agree to the terms before they can access any of its features. This screenshot shows an example of the message that the bot displays to the user, prompting them to accept the terms of service.

Last updated