1.12 - 06 Jun '21


  • A getSubscribers API method has been added - use it to retrieve a list of all active Telegram subscribers from your bot, as well as the subscription plans selected by each of them.

  • Added option to set custom "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" to your bot.

  • Added two new payment gateways - Paystack and CoinPayments.

  • TGmembership has been translated into four new languages - Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, German and Russian. A massive thank you to everyone involved in the translation process. Your contribution is highly appreciated.


  • Access tokens can be used to renew active memberships.

  • The logic that handles recurring payments was rewritten from scratch.

  • Custom commands are now displayed in the /help menu too, as an addition to the well-known buttons that appear below the help messages.

Last updated