1.16 - 27 Sep '21


  • Danish language added.

  • A new payment method has been added - Reepay.

  • A new command /analytics has been added, which will provide you basic statistics for the sales made through your bot.

  • A new premium add-on has been added for detailed statistics on the sales made through your bot. It is available in our web dashboard.

  • Added option to broadcast to churned members - those who have had a subscription before, but have not renewed.


  • Fixed an issue where bots did not send a greeting after users agreed to the Terms of Service / Privacy Policy.

  • Fixed an issue where custom commands could not use messages other than text (pictures, videos, etc.).

  • The limit of 256 characters text that could be added to a custom command has been removed. Now the only limit on the length of messages is what Telegram has - 1024 characters.

Last updated